Living Lands

The Living Lands will be the backbone of the Swamplands. It will be made available for purchase in the Swamp Lands (gamified Dashboard) using $C4. You do not have to be a Croc holder to purchase lands in the Swamp Lands…but Croc holders will get special treatment. All holders of living lands will be able to stake their NFTs (including non-Croc NFTs).

Total Supply:

  • 50,000 lands (SOLD OUT)


  • 2,000 $C4 per land


  • Crocs with somewhere to live are living it up! They feel great, and enjoy life. If Crocs feel good, they may sometimes bring owners unexpected gifts, like NFTs, $C4, or ADA. To make your Crocs feel even more at home, you may upgrade your lands several times. The more comfortable the Croc, the more gifts they may bring.

  • Any lands bought with RCC, automatically upgrades with no cost after 30 days of holding RCC and the land (due to the radioactivity within RCC that influences the land).

  • Only one Cardano NFT (Croc or non-Croc) can occupy a Living Land.

  • Similar to how Baby Crocs function, Swamplands will attach as a multiplier to your highest C4 generating Crocs. Swamplands will serve as a 50% multiplier, and calculated after your Baby Crocs pairing has been done. For example: C4 generation = (highest CCC/RCC x highest Baby Croc multiplier) x land multiplier

  • Non-Croc NFTs placed on Living lands can be staked for $C4. Non-Croc NFTs will generate 300 $C4 monthly (approx. 10 $C4/day).

  • Living land holders will be able to build/develop on their plots (more details to come later)

The 50% multiplier and 300 $C4/month rate will be provided for 1 year (12 months), after which the staking rewards structure may change. After 2 years of staking, living lands may be used for other purposes.

Last updated